Steven Morris, Author at T NATION T Nation Articles Thu, 04 May 2023 00:27:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Steven Morris, Author at T NATION 32 32 Tip: Do the Suitcase Deadlift Thu, 04 Feb 2016 12:00:00 +0000 For anyone who wants to deadlift or squat big weights, the obliques must be strong. The average side bend just doesn't cut it when it comes to building a truly strong midsection. The suitcase deadlift is old school and brutal. Very strong people often get humbled the first time they try it. Here's Christian Thibaudeau

Read the full article at Tip: Do the Suitcase Deadlift

7 Ab Exercises That Actually Work Wed, 06 Oct 2010 12:00:00 +0000 If you're a regular reader of T Nation, you likely know that the whole "core" training concept is pure marketing hype. Think about it: In the golden days of Muscle Beach and the Venice boardwalk, guys trained their midsections with sit-ups, crunches, and various lifting movements, and they probably had much stronger abs than most

Read the full article at 7 Ab Exercises That Actually Work

12 Steps to Kick Ass Hamstrings Mon, 04 Oct 2010 12:00:00 +0000 I make it a point to avoid commercial gyms as much as possible. For my sanity's sake. That said, on those extremely rare occasions when I find myself in one of those black holes of fitness and conditioning, I'm always blown away by the amount of shoddy leg training I see. Leg curls, leg extensions,

Read the full article at 12 Steps to Kick Ass Hamstrings
