Tip: This Type of Exerciser Earns More Money

He has more sex and is happier too. Check out the study.

Make More Money. Have More Sex. Be Happier.

That sounds like bad clickbait, doesn't it? Well, it's actually the findings of a recent study conducted by Freeletics.

The study, which surveyed 1000 exercisers and 1000 non-exercisers, looked at various aspects of life, including income. As you can probably guess, those who hit the gym often earned more money than the sedentary folks.

But things got interesting when they looked at the types of exercise performed. Here's the breakdown:

  • Of the 1000 non-exercisers surveyed, the average income was $49,000 per year.
  • Low-intensity exercisers earned an average of $54,000 per year.
  • Middle-intensity exercisers earned about $67,000 per year.
  • High-intensity exercisers earned an average of $83,000 per year.

The exercisers also reported having more sex compared to non-exercisers:

  • 34 percent of exercisers said they have sex "several times" per week. Only 15 percent of non-exercisers could brag about that.
  • Exercise is also a good cure for celibacy it seems. One in 4 non-exercisers reported that they "never" have sex, but only one in 20 hardcore exercisers reported that.

As a bonus, more exercisers reported being fulfilled in life compared to the inactive people.

Fit Woman

This is great news for those who are already hitting the gym often. Now we can be even more smug. But these types of surveys can be tricky to interpret.

The company responsible for the survey pointed out that fitness helps with confidence, willpower, and other positive mental attributes that transcend the gym. That would lead you to believe that all you need to do to make more dough is join a gym or turn up the intensity during your workouts.

But it could also be a chicken-and-egg issue. And correlation doesn't imply causation. Maybe goal-oriented, responsible, harder-working people are more drawn to the gym to begin with. Exercise didn't cause them to earn more money, but those who are driven to earn more just happen to also want to take care of themselves more and push themselves harder.

That said, other studies have indeed shown that fit people are judged by employers as smarter, harder working, and more responsible than very overweight people, so that might lead to better job opportunities.

The answer? It's probably a little chicken and a little egg:

  • Chicken: Learning all the lessons that training can teach you – like discipline and the value of hard work – will transfer over into other aspects of your life.
  • Egg: Those who are "go-getters" in the work place (and the bedroom) are probably the same types of people who enjoy high-intensity work in the gym. It's just part of their personalities.
Chris Shugart is T Nation's Chief Content Officer and the creator of the Velocity Diet. As part of his investigative journalism for T Nation, Chris was featured on HBO’s "Real Sports with Bryant Gumble." Follow on Instagram