Tip: Good Advice on Offering Advice at the Gym

That guy over there is using terrible form. Do you step in and help or not? It depends. Check out these guidelines.

Never offer advice to anyone at the gym, except for two occasions:

  1. Someone asks for your advice. or...
  2. Someone's in imminent danger of serious injury or death.

So the next time you see someone squatting higher than what you deem acceptable, or smashing the bar against their sternum while benching, or using lots of body English on curls, just let it slide. For every person you might "save," there's a million more you can't. It's a losing battle.

Also, you may not know what their training goal is. Maybe they're purposefully doing overloaded half-reps on the bench press. That's a legitimate technique many powerlifters use. It's not always "wrong" (though I admit, it usually IS an ego thing when you see it in a commercial gym).

Try This Instead

Wanna know the best way to inspire your gym buddies? Be inspirational yourself. Develop a physique that might inspire people to ask how you built it, and train in a way that others should emulate.

Think about it: Have you ever seen a guy whose physique just blew you away, and didn't you find yourself curious about how he trains and eats? My advice is to BE that guy.

Worry about your own training habits, because there's a chance they aren't perfect either.

Charles Staley is an accomplished strength coach who specializes in helping older athletes reclaim their physicality and vitality. At age 56, Charles is leaner than ever, injury free, and in his lifetime best shape. His PRs include a 400-pound squat, 510-pound deadlift, and a 17 chin-up max. Follow Charles Staley on Facebook